
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Class 3 (Sot) Ffl - Do I Need A Class 3 Federal Firearms License?

No.1 Article of Public Notary Classes

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The Class 3 Ffl is ready to Ffl holders who want to deal in self-operating weapons and clear other guns and accessories that are not covered under the general Federal Firearms License. These type weapons are regulated by the Nfa.

The National Firearms Act came into being in 1934 when engine guns and hand grenades became favored weapons among gangsters. The Nfa was amended in 1968 by the Gun operate Act (Gca title 2). What most folks refer to as Class 3 is beyond doubt Title 2 weapons of the Gca.

Public Notary Classes

The Ffl holder must apply for the Class 3 license and pay a special career Tax, (currently 0.00), each year. Current holders of types 1,2,7,8,9,10 and 11 licenses are eligible to apply.

Class 3 (Sot) Ffl - Do I Need A Class 3 Federal Firearms License?

The Class 3 Ffl covers firearms regulated by the Nfa (National Firearms Act). Some of those covered are:

Machine Guns - Fully self-operating weapons and burst fire weapons are determined engine guns.(Any weapon that fires more than one round with one trigger squeeze) Short Barreled Rifles - rifle barrels under 16 inches or total length of less than 26 inches. Short Barreled Shotguns - barrel must be at least 18 inches and smoothbore. Total length must be 26 in. Silencers or Suppressors - movable unit that muffles the noise of a shot. Aow (All Other Weapons) - covers most "disguised" guns, such as pen guns, cane guns, wallet guns, and guns that are fired from a briefcase. Also includes smoothbore pistols, and handguns that have a vertical forward grip. Destructive Devices- such as hand grenades.

The Class 3 Ffl must be requested and sent to you through the mail. It is not ready online. Call the Atf town to ask the forms. You will need to send all fees in with the completed application. You will have a face to face interview to go over your application. You will also need to furnish your fingerprints and two passport type photos.

Fill out the application wholly and honestly. Any discrepancy will cost you time, and an outright lie can disqualify you from ever getting any Ffl.

There has been some obscuring between the Type 3 Ffl and the Class 3 Ffl. The type 3 license is for curio and relic collectors that only buy aged guns for their own personal collection. The class 3 Ffl is wholly different and is for persons who want to deal in Nfa regulated weaponry.

Class 3 (Sot) Ffl - Do I Need A Class 3 Federal Firearms License?


  1. I always heard about the Federal Firearm License but I really didn't know it dated to way back 1934. Good to see that there are some laws still followed by the govt. that were implemented so long ago.

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